Creating a links page with LinkStack
've wanted to create a links page for a while but I've never been happy with the commercial options. I'd like to keep control of my data, I'd like to avoid data being harvested from those that visit my links page, and I'm not currently financially secure enough to commit to a/(yet another) subscription cost.
Enter, stage left, LinkStack; an open source, self-hosted optional, links page CMS.
If you don't want the hassle of self-hosting then there are paid, hosted options. There are also a number of "other-hosted" instances, most of which offer free accounts.
But, crucially, there's a self-hosted option and it's piss-easy to install and get running.
I'm quite keen on self-hosting as much of my internet activity as possible. I have my own hosting account with a decent server. I know how to create domains and subdomains, how to FTP shit onto the server and how to set up SQL databases. But beyond that, I'm a total n00b.
As soon as the installation instructions start talking about Docker, or command line "Git" instructions then I'm out.
LinkStack doesn't need that shit. LinkStack just needs you to FTP the files onto you domain root directory and then has a set-up wizard you can run through your web browser.
It took me a maximum of 30 minutes to get it set up. And I was already 4 cans of Magners in to my evening at this point.
From that point... you could even be hosting your own instance and allow others to register and run links pages on your server. Me, I'm just happy running a single user instance over at
One of the main reasons I wanted to create a links page is as a business card alternative. I don't have physical business cards for most any of the reasons why people would want to contact me, and not enough requirement to make it worth printing cards. But, most people these days can scan a QR code. So I've made a QR code of the URL and uploaded it to my Fitbit Watch so that people can scan it.